August 2015 Minutes
Brian Decker
Cylithria Dubois
John Davis
Anna Carey
David Klecha
Amy Zrnich (video chat)
Brian call to order 4:22pm
Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by John, vote to approve 6-0.
President’s report, nothing new. Everything will be covered in old business.
Treasurer’s report, we still have money. Lawyer has been paid.
ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Haven’t burned the con down yet.
Old Business:
Incorporation moving forward. Briand set to contact an accountant to work on filing the taxes. Two options: attempt to apply for not-for-profit status retroactively, which is likely to fail per attorney advice, OR simply pay back taxes and apply for current not-for-profit status. Lawyer’s advice is to the second option, given the chances of success and the cost involved with trying to get retroactive non-exempt status.
New Business:
Brian moves to close the meeting at 4:54pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.