AASFA Board Minutes, October 2015

October 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker

Amy Zrnich


Brian call to order @ 3:44pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 7-0.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, nothing new. Need to pay the lawyer.


ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Nothing additional to report.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. We are in good standing with the State of MI. Need to find an accountant to file back taxes. Incredibly difficult to get this done without adequate paper trail.


ConChair selection. No action in the nominations e-mail account. Postpone discussion until November meeting. Anna volunteers, but is willing to wait to see what response a reminder posting receives.


New Business:


No new business.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 3:57pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

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