April 2017 Minutes
Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Meeting Called to order at 10:24am by Brian
First order of business. Nominations for President. Anna nominates Brian Decker, seconded by Amy. 6 for, one abstaining.
Nomination for Vice President. Amy nominates Eric Guy, Lithie seconds. 6 for, one abstaining.
Nomination for Treasurer. Dave nominates Anna. Amy seconds. 6 for, one abstaining.
Nomination for Secretary. Amy nominates Dave. Anna seconds. 6 for, one abstaining.
Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 7-0 voting to approve.
President’s Report: We had a voting party. Lost John Davis. Updated mailing list to remove John and add Amy. All else covered in new and old business.
Treasurer’s Report: Working on getting accounts straightened out. We do have money in our accounts. Anna has $500 in cash for Dragon’s Den if it were to happen, but could be repurposed for ConFusion party.
ConChair Report: We had a voting party, got a theme. ConFusion through the Looking Glass is the name. Two confirmed GoHs. Hotel and dates are set, 18th-21st of January at the Sheraton. Budget proposal will come in May. Still wrangling staff into their positions. Party at Penguicon. Hotel contract signed and settled.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.
Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.
AASFA Picnic Planning: Set for July 15. Eric moves to provide $500 for the picnic budget, for Dave to manage. Lithie seconds. Vote is 7-0 for.
Firefly Room Party Discussion: Tabled to invite them to next meeting. Need to schedule May’s meeting. Dave will invite them once the May meeting is scheduled.
Storage Cube: Lithie will work on it. Tabled until next meeting.
New Business:
No new business.
Motion to close the meeting at 10:50am by Brian, seconded by Lithie, 7-0 for.