June 2017 Minutes
Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Bill P.
Chuck O.
Meeting Called to order at 10:30am by Brian
Anna moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Amy seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.
President’s Report: Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.
ConChair Report: Still having a con, working on lining up GoHs and getting staff positions filled. Hotel contract stuff will be covered in old business. Budget is still a work in progress, goal for it to be delivered prior to picnic.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. Making serious plans for the July meeting to discuss in depth.
Two big bags of stuff. Anna went through them and disposed of the irrelevant items. 95% went to recycling/trash/shredded. Anything important was filed. Many hand-written receipts for checks in the 1980s. Art show never made money, and the con suite used to charge for food and drink at cost.
Storage Cube: Lithie absent, no report until she’s present. Anna will look into when the current contract expires, in case we need to do something before then. Brian will e-mail Lithie regarding our progress on this project.
Firefly Room Party Discussion: Bill and Chuck in attendance. Discussion of timeline of events based on e-mail records harvested from permanent e-mail box. Discussion of how to improve the process.
Contract signed with the hotel, no other issues necessary.
Discussion of ramifications of harassment issue at Penguicon.
Picnic time is set. Dave will get a write-up to Anna for web and social media.
New Business:
Next meeting on 7/15 @ 10am prior to the picnic.
Motion to close the meeting at 12:10pm by Brian, seconded by Amy, 6-0 for.