AASFA Board Minutes, March 2018

March 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson (Remote)
Eric Guy
Cylithria Dubois (Remote)
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order 4:11pm.

Amy moves to approves the February meeting minutes. Allison seconds. Motion passes 6-0, Eric abstains.

President’s report: Nothing that will not be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: Still not on the books, nothing to report. Working with Amy to get to the bank and get on the account. No numbers yet for ConFusion Through the Looking Glass. Hotel bill paid.

ConChair’s report: We had a convention. 909 hot bodies. Currently shopping at a couple of hotels for ConFusion 2019. Several unrealistic conditions to Sheraton. In conversations with the Doubletree again as a result. Many improvements in the facilities. 

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled.

Spring Voting Meeting: Brian will continue to pursue voting party at the Doubletree. Amy will be coordinating the voting meeting/party. Holding pattern until word on the hotel. Allison will assist Amy with planning.

Board Nominations: Brian moves to make Amy, Dave, and Eric safe for next election. Approved 6-0, Eric abstains.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Probably going to take a ConCom meeting in order to map out a generic calendar, in order to determine how long certain things take in order to plot out dependent deadlines properly. 

New Business:

April Board Meeting: Will likely be at the next meeting.

Penguicon Party: Instead of a party (since rooms are limited if not gone), sponsor a tea in the con suite. Lithie will reach out to Janet Gocay.

Website: Stick with Dreamhost for now.

Liability Insurance: Randy Bradakis wanted to know about liability insurance for Penguicon and what ConFusion uses. Amy purchased event insurance, just for the date of the event, and added the alcohol rider. Brian will communicate back with Randy and urge him to contact the ConChair if he needs more details.

Brian moves to close the meeting at 5:17pm, Anna seconds, motion passes 6-0.

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