October 2018 Minutes
Brian Decker
Anna Carey (remote)
Dave Klecha
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson
Eric calls the meeting to order at 11:36 am
Brian moves to approve the meeting minutes. Dave seconds. Passes 5-0, Brian abstains.
President’s report: Nothing to report, all will be covered in new and old business.
Treasurer’s report: We have money and online access to the bank.
ConChair’s report: Con is still happening. May need to submit a budget for approval yet.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Tabled still. No compelling reason to incorporate at this point.
Post Office Box: Dave will go to place on 12 Mile Road and secure PO Box.
ConChair Selection for 2020: Eric is the only current contender for ConChair. Concerns with Eric’s health and the stress level of running the convention. Dave moves to approve ConChair for 2020. Amy seconds. Motion passed 5-0, Eric abstains.
New Business:
Con Prep: Dragon’s Den and such.
Voting Meeting: Needs to be set for March.
AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.
Board Outreach: Need to work on developing a “bench” to back up the current skeleton crew on ConCom.
November Meeting: We will discuss that when a ConCom meeting date is decided.
Dave moves to close the meeting at 12:06pm. Eric seconds. Motion passes 5-0, Brian abstains.