January 2019 Minutes (Regular Board meeting)
Brian Decker
Eric Guy
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Allison Anderson
Brian called the meeting to order at 5:10pm.
Brian moves to table all business. Dave seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.
“Gib” proposes an idea, introducing himself first as the “raspberry pie guy.” He is suggesting a sort of round table progressive story concept that would involve attending authors, the money going to pay them to seed ideas, but also attendees and other people from around wherever. Eric moves to approve $100 for prizes for this idea. Dave seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.
Gib proposes another idea about solar power. Involves purchasing a solar panel at Home Depot and having someone with some expertise to perform demos on solar power at the con. Probably appropriate for something with some extra planning for a future convention.
Also, “let’s buy a popper.” Not sure about that one.
Drew announces that he has talked to Penguicon about building a custom registration system. Would like to involve ConFusion.
Lithie moves to close the meeting. Eric seconds. Vote to approve 6-1.