AASFA Board Minutes, December 2015

December 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker (remote)


Brian call to order @ 11:40am


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 6-0, 1 abstaining.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, post office box has been paid.


ConChair’s report, will be covered in the ConCom meeting. Moving forward and ready to go.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. Tabled until the next meeting.


PO Box paid, check still needs to happen. John will check the mail this week, possible setup for a backup/mail deputy.


New Business:


Discussion of Board promulgated disability and harassment policy. Use the existing ConFusion policies as an AASFA-directed policy that covers all AASFA events and can be maintained year to year beyond the membership of the current Board and/or ConCom. Dave will copy relevant policies to the AASFA website for review in the February AASFA meeting.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 11:55am. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

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