AASFA Board Minutes, December 2013

AASFA board 12/15/13
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Chloe Zrnich
 Ryan Carry 2014 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
David Klecha
Meeting Called to order at 11:53 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve October minutes Amy, seconded by Amy
Approve: 6
President’s Report: Nothing new
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian Decker
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account today.
The con needs a printer Amy will look into still
ConChair Report:
We still are having a con YAY!
New Business:
Dragon’s Den: 6pm Friday night.  (Anna)
Amy says $500. Anna motions to approve
Amy seconds
5 for
1 apposed (Chloe)
Motion passes
Next board meeting will be at the con at Dragon’s den
Storage shed – Amy says we have to make a decision.  It expires at the end of January.
We will discuss in email so we can be prepared at Con – if we’re going to move we can pack
everything up and bring it to the con and take it to the new place
Brian wants to reach out to the balloon guy about him coming to con again.
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by Chloe Meeting closes at 11:58
passed – 5

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2013

AASFA board 11/26/13
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
David Klecha
Chloe Zrnich
 Ryan Carry 2014 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
John Davis
Angie Rush
Meeting Called to order at 19:07 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve October minutes by Brian Decker, seconded by Chloe Zrnich
Approve 5
Deny 0
Abstain 0
President’s Report: Documents from the filing cabinet is still in the process of being scanned…. Hardware issues encountered
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account.
ConChair Report: 
We still are having a con YAY!
There will be two meeting December 15th, noonish
Asst ops resigned due to work things.
The con needs a printer Amy will look into
New Business:  
All tabled until next meeting
Next meeting to be scheduled 11am Dec15th.
Motion to close meeting called by David Klecha, seconded by Chloe Zrnich Meeting closes at 19:24


AASFA Board Minutes, October 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 10/17/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
John Davis
Amy Zrnich
Dave Klecha (via Skype)
Meeting called to order at: 6:43 by Brian.
Prior Meeting Minutes: Brian called to approve minutes, angie seconded. all for except anna abstained. Passed.
President’s Report: Documents from the filing cabinet is still in the process of being scanned.
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.  Michigan legal checks were sent out in time.
Old Business:
aasfa.org is now a functioning website.
Passwords are now documented and Brian has access to them.
Budget had been approved so Ryan has money as conchair.
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account.
ConChair Report:
Angie Fox is now heading up our dealer’s room again
Liasions are being set up for GoHs except for S2 Games – still deciding on who they are sending, specifically.
Consuite is Lithie
Jess is moving on getting volunteers set up.
Things are moving right along
Meetings from here out are all-hands and weekly checks with dept heads will be done
2015 ConChair
Did any nominations come into aasfa.nominations@gmail.com?
We got no nominations.
Dave will be moving to this side of the state, he’s got a job over here.
Angie called to vote Dave Klecha 2015 conchair.  Seconded by Anna
All in favor, Dave abstained
New Business:
Anna: The con needs a printer.
When Anna was running ops she brought her own, and people have been willing to bring their personal printers.
Toner might be an issue in the storage cube
Amy asks – does it need to be color or is black and white good enough?
Brian: we had a color laser of Brian’s we used to use but the toner was very expensive.
We have had printers where ink did dry out over time.
Brian doesn’t think we NEED a scanner or color, but it’d be nice.
If a laserjet is going to dry out over the year, buying new color & b&W toner every year will be expensive.
Anna and Dave: We have promised to print for the art this year, so we need color
Brian has a Phaser printer but getting new ink for it every year is going to be somewhere around $400 and has to be specialty ordered
Amy has something at work that has the solid ink but not sure how it would hold up in the summer heat.
Anna: Could we pull the toner out and store it in someone’s home instead of the storage unit? Then it wouldn’t be subject to the heat extremes
Amy: aasfa keeps it’s files at Brian’s, we could store the toner/ink in the file cabinet with our files
Amy also suggests we look into renting a good printer for the weekend and see what that costs
John has a black and white printer he would be willing to donate.
Amy will look into pricing.
Does the AV company Nuri is working with rent printers?
Does the hotel have a printer we can use? – Brian will look into this
Discussion about whether or not Ops absolutely NEEDS a printer.
Dave: suggests to table that discussion once we have pricing information for various options.
Printers/projectors have consumables and can’t be scared up at a moment’s notice – if a reg laptop dies, someone’s likely to have a laptop
projectors are neccesary – especially with science programming.
Next meeting to be scheduled
Meeting called to close at 736  by brian seconded by angie, passed unanimously.

AASFA Board Minutes, September 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 9/17/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
Chloe Zrnich
Jon Davis
Amy Zrnich
Dave Klecha (via Skype)
Meeting called to order at: 645 by brian
Prior Meeting Minutes:   angie called to approve minutes, chloe seconded. Brian opposed. Passed.
Discussion about the budget which was approved via email.
President’s Report: File cabinet – It was gone through. We condensed it down to one drawer and shredded the rest.
We are going to scan and file the documents that we kept.
Treasurer’s Report: We still have money. Checks are all cut to take care of the Michigan legal stuff.  They have not been mailed yet.
We’re good til the end of October.
Brian is now our Resident Agent instead of Joe Saul.
Old Business:
Website Splash page – tabled to next meeting.
aasfa.stilyagi.org is going to redirect ultimately to the aasfa site – Tabled
Minutes need to go up on the website – Tabled
Board members on site? – Tabled
Dave is working on documenting things in excel re: passwords – Dave will work on this
Budget: We approved it via email
We have carry over money from last year
Waiting for preregs to start rolling in which is usually november/december
We can float until they start rolling in for any immediate expenses
2015 ConChair: The implied plan was that Dave would assist Ryan with 2014 and then be conchair for 2015
Anna has expressed interest in the past.
Chloe has issues with Board members being conchairs
Angie agrees – also, Board member spouses
Brian does not have a problem with it, other local cons require the conchair to be on the board
There is not an official rule regarding it.
The Board picks because we didn’t want it to be a popularity contest
It’s hard to find Board members and conchairs, so sometimes overlap is neccesary
if we let Dave be the conchair, and table the board/conchair issue until the next time we have to decide
We should ask the stilyagi list for nominations – angie will send it out
Dave is running lit for nasfic, but expects to be done with the schedule by late June

AASFA Board Minutes, August 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 8/24/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
Chloe Zrnich
Dave Klecha
Conchair: Ryan Carey
Meeting called to order at: 3:42
Prior Meeting Minutes: dave called to approve meetings, seconded by anna unanimously approved
President’s Report – We have a filing cabinet of prior ConFusion paperwork. It is at Brian’s house re: his email earlier
Brian (or someone) needs to go through it and sort it into what we need to keep or not keep
    Brian went to the po box. We had mail.
    Amy has to pay $20 by October – the state will reserve AASFA for us.
    Still not a company by fed status
Treasurer’s Report – Chloe says Amy says we have money. Amy isn’t here.
Old Business:
Website Dave has control of everything – will work on a splash page
aasfa.stilyagi.org is going to redirect ultimately to the aasfa site
Minutes need to go up on the website
Board members on site?
Dave is working on documenting things in excel re: passwords
Old documents Brian has – we need to scan that stuff and put it in storage
Incorporation Discussion Brian has picked up paperwork to start figuring stuff out (see above)
Square vs Paypal – Amy – Tabled
AASFA Picnic:   Closed – all set.  Voting was done, we have the list for the eventual future conchair
New Business:
ConChair Report: Ryan Carey
Really constructive concom meeting.
Need to follow up with dealers head re: communication
Liasions are being dealt with
Working on getting someone to do room parties
Budget needs approved (see new business)
Budget: Do approval via email since Amy isn’t here.
We are going to comp fewer badges
Last year’s budget was 31k
This year is looking 33.6k
Higher costs of goh transportation
Need to align the format of the proposed budget with the format of the actuals so they can be more easily compared
Anna will send out email on budget
ConChair:At some point we need to vote on that – tabled to next meeting
Come equipped to talk about it. (Suggestions)
Next meeting
Meeting called to close at 751  by amy seconded by Anna
yea – everyone except Brian who abstained because he doesn’t want us to leave because he likes when the adults outnumber the toddlers.

AASFA Board Minutes, July 2013

July Meeting – July 20, 2013
Meeting called to order at 3:50
Minutes weren’t sent – tabled old busines
New business: $500 was paid to Tammy Coxen for NASFic per board‘s earlier decision to pay an additional $500 if she received matching funds from another local con, which she did.  Amy paid her at the picnic
motion to close 3:51


AASFA Board Minutes, June 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 6/18/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
Chloe Zrnich
Jon Davis
Amy Zrnich
Dave Klecha via Skype
Conchair: Ryan Carey
Meeting called to order at: 7:16
Prior Meeting Minutes: approved BRian opposed
President’s Report – Got nothin’
Treasurer’s Report – We still have money.  Paid the storage shed up until 2/1/2014. AMy says to Jon “This is my report, let me finish!”
Old Business:
New domains – Brian has the passwords.  And the POWER.  “Don’t tell him that!”
Website changes – aasfa site still needs something done to it.  No volunteers?  Dave Klecha has volunteered.
1. It needs to point somewhere.
2. It needs to say something
3. aasfa.stilyagi.org is an option.  Dave is “Meh.”
4. Dreamhost needs to be told that we have aasfa.org & set that up “however the hell we want to do it.”
5. Also we have confusionsf.org – point it to COnfusion.stilyagi?
6. Dave has worked with confusion.stilyagi.org a little bit.  He’s somewhat familiar with drupal.
7. Dave says a secondary drupal instance for aasfa.org & put some “happy fun material” up there.
8. Chloe suggests BYLAWS!
9. Dave will figure it out.
10. Brian and Dave will meet regarding passwords/etc so Dave can get started.
11. Confusionsf.org? Does Dave want to do that, too?
12. Dave says probably just alias it.  Going forward we can decide if we want to carve Stilyagi off, but for now, just alias it.
Passwords are in the file box, do not have fireproof box yet.
THere are other documents in there – passwords, etc.  (Bank, etc.)
Books for the Blind – Books were delivered, thank you note was received
Incorporation Discussion – Brian – Tabled
Square vs Paypal – Amy – Tabled
New Business:
AASFA Picnic:   Park is reserved from 6am to 11pm.  We got a liquor permit.
Saturday, July 20th, 2013 – 12pm-5pm
Someone has to send out an email – Anna will act like an important person
Announce the picnic and that it’s nomination time.
We have access to the nominations email address. (Passwords, woot!)
Jon will come up with the ballot and distribute it
Food budget: Last year was $300.  Anna believes we spent around $260-270.
Hamburgers & hotdogs – also it is potluck
Plates & such from the storage area
Booze? Not providing, but maybe say that it is okay to bring your own but be responsible
Vote for $300 – amy motioned, john seconded – brian abstained, everyone else yes.
Amy needs to pay Brian back for the park rental
July meeting will be at the picnic
ConChair Report: Ryan Carey
I haven’t burned the fucker down yet.
Draco quit. Brian got the passwords and stuff from him, see new business.
John went to Origins and made connections there.
His report:
Legendary – card game.  Ties in with our theme!  It’s a Marvel superhero game.
It’s owned by Upper Deck, John sucked up at Origins to them.
Elements in the cards can be utilized with the program book – at panels people attend panels maybe they can advance & get something related to the game?
At Origins they did a tournament of the game. They gave away PS Vitas.  At GenCon in September they’re giving away two $5000 prizes.
Hoping to do a prerelease of the February expansion at ConFusion and perhaps do a tournament?
If they don’t send a person, they might send the materials, and we’d be responsible for all the cost – $60 x 20 boxes. Ack.
John would like to try to talk them into coming and running their tournament.  He will work on it.
Will have to talk about it at the ConCom meeting because it’s not year-to-year.  If there’s a cost to it, it would be the Con’s responsibility, not the Board.
Next meeting at the Picnic
Meeting called to close at 751  by amy seconded by Anna
yea – everyone except Brian who abstained because he doesn’t want us to leave because he likes when the adults outnumber the toddlers.


AASFA Board Minutes, May 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 5/14/2013

In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
Amy Zrnich: Treasurer
Jon Davis
Ryan Carey: 2014 ConChair

Not in attendance:
Chloe Zrnich
Dave Klecha

Meeting called to order at: 7:35
Prior Meeting Minutes: Not sent out yet

President’s Report – “nothing”
Treasurer’s Report – We still have money

Old Business:
New domains – purchased domains discussed last meeting.
Website changes – Needs to be done in person, meeting will be set up.
An AASFA/ConFusion filebox has been made at Brian Decker’s office. Will get a fireproof box down the road
Need to get all passwords/etc for the website in writing to put it in the file so it exists somewhere stationary
Books for the Blind – Amy will pay for them. They will be shipped.
Incorporation Discussion – Brian – Tabled
Square vs Paypal – Amy – Tabled
Gaming Library Purchase – dropped off at Joe Saul’s office for Ucon.

New Business:
AASFA Picnic:  Anna and Brian will look into reserving the pavillion. Amy will shop.  Will need to do motions/voting to spend the money

ConChair Report: Ryan Carey
We have a signed hotel contract for 2014 – better deal than last year.  The deposit has been paid.

Meeting called to close at 8:22  by Brian Decker
seconded angie
approved – all

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2013

AASFA board 11_28_12

In attendance

President Brian Decker

Conchair Lucy Kennedy SKYPE

Treasurer Amy Zrnich

Secretary Chloe Zrnich

Dave Klecha Skype

Meeting called to order at 19:26

Called to order by B Decker.

Motion to approve prior months minutes made by C Zrnich

2nd by A Zrnich

For 4

Against 0


Motion passed

President’s report: Con was a success, so I guess we might have another.

Treasurer’s Report: We still have moneyLucy paid PO box, and the storage is paid until June.


Books for the Blind

Angie has placed an order for 250ish Middle School to High School .

Incorporation Discussion

Tabled… Pending meeting with the Lawyer

Voting meeting

Tabled to next meeting. We have asked that members think about

Date 3/23/13 Location TBD 6-11

Who is “safe”…CZ, DK, AR

Jon Davis

Jes Zerwas

Lucy Kennedy suggested to withhold the purchase of a game to contribute to the PCON game Library. Due to the situation this year the board will consider purchasing Ucon a game for their library as a thank you gift for helping with a potential problem at con.

Motion for AASFA to Purchase a Hand Truck with non pneumatic tires for con use year to year, Cost for new cart not to exceed $50. By ACary

2nd LKen

for 6

against 1

abstain 0

Conchair report

You cannot abstain form My Report you asshole”

Confirmed “pro GOH”

Confirmed Fan GOH

Other Possible Science gohs and Comic artist

Meetings for the hotel locations

Website is in development, Draco to head up and hand off from Steve

Possible changes in email and domain name for the con.

Facebook group will be renamed at this time.

Motion to adjourn

B Decker

2nd C Zrnich

For 6

Against 0

Abstain 1.
Motion to adjourn at 8:38