AASFA Board Minutes, September 2016

September 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
John Davis

Meeting Called to order at 7:45PM by Brian

Brian moves to approve last meeting minutes, Lithie seconds, 6 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Still have money, still working on getting Anna officially on the accounts.

ConChair Report:  Working on scheduling a new meeting. All GoHs confirmed and in place. Possibly some Old Business to discuss.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Tabled.

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle. Tabled.

ConChair for 2018 discussion. Allison Anderson and Amy Zrnich have expressed interest. Discussion of asking both to write proposals to present and discuss during October Board meeting. Discussion of Amy and Allison as suitable candidates. Brian will contact them to ask them to appear/propose for the next meeting.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna volunteers to sort through the debris and figure out what needs to be saved. Some paperwork from the 1980s, some possible useful stuff, mostly junk. Otherwise, bags are still being sorted. Tabled.

Someone retrieved the mail.

New Business:

No new business.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:03PM by Dave seconded by Lithie, 5 voted for, 1 abstaining.

AASFA Board Minutes, July 2016

July 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
John Davis
Josh Parker – Remote

Meeting Called to order at 7:54PM by Brian

Eric moves to approve last meeting minutes, Lithie seconds, 6 voting to approve, 1 abstaining.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Paid for the storage cube for a year, and updated so that the rental is in the Board’s name, and all correspondence is going to Brian’s address. Paid for Michigan state business registration. John, Lithie, and Eric owed reimbursements.

ConChair Report:   Nothing new that was not covered at the ConCom meeting on 7/23/16. All GoHs locked in. Trying to fill some open staff positions.

Old Business:

Incorporation:   Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork. Tabled for now. AASFA is current with the State of Michigan. 

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle. Tabled.

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna shared it out earlier in July. Josh moves to approve the budget. Dave seconds. Budget is notionally in the red, but it comes from trying to align registrations and actual dollars and assuming the lower numbers are correct. Assumed income is the difference between last year’s budget and this year’s. 6 votes to approve, 1 abstaining.

ConChair for 2018 discussion. Possible options are Amy Zrnich and Lithie Dubois. Brian volunteers to discuss the option with Amy before a vote is taken. Soft commit to a vote on someone at the August meeting.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna volunteers to sort through the debris and figure out what needs to be saved. Some paperwork from the 1980s, some possible useful stuff, mostly junk. Otherwise, bags are still being sorted.

New Business:

No new business.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:35PM by Eric seconded by Lithie, 5 voted for, 2 opposed.

AASFA Board Minutes, June 2016

June 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Josh Parker
Eric Guy – Tardy
Absent – John Davis

Meeting Called to order at 7:48PM by Brian

Lithie moves to approve last meeting minutes, Josh seconds, 5 voting to approve

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Alex Drummer got paid based on Cool Stuff Grant. Anna has not dug into the accounts yet. Con owes Anna some money for the Penguicon party. Brain & Anna need to make plan to swap Amy for Anna on the accounts.

ConChair Report: Four GoHs in hand: Karen Burnham (Science), Jeffrey Alan Love (Art), Mark Oshiro (Fan), Mallory O’Meara (Media), plus SubPress guests Gillian Redfern and James S.A. Corey (both of them). Possible additional SubPress guest who may or may not be a publicly acknowledged but will need help/coordination from ConFusion/AASFA.

Old Business:

Incorporation:   Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork.

PO Box: Eric has volunteered to be a day errand runner and will check the PO Box soon. Brian has given Eric the key now.

Picnic: July 23 has been reserved. Notifications have been sent out. Discussion of nomination process. Reminders will be going out in the next week.

AASFA Polices: Eric moves to approve, Lithie seconds, vote 5 for and one abstaining.

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle.

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna promises it “lickety-split.” She will send it over before next meeting.

Game library starting. Eric purchased some games on sale at Barnes & Noble and some other games to donate from personal collection. Dave is also donating two games. Board is planning to grow the library slowly, not build one all at once.

New Business:

Scheduling the 2018 ConFusion to accommodate a BIG NAME SubPress guest. The option is set to date and leave actual contract negotiation. 

ConChair for 2018 discussion. Suggestions open for ConChairs for 2018. Lithie volunteering to be considered.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna volunteers to sort through the debris and figure out what needs to be saved.

[Name Redacted] contacted Lithie to apologize to the Board. Lithie advised him that he is under a permanent ban, and that the Board will advise him if and when the ban is lifted.

Motion to close the meeting at 9:09PM by Brian seconded by Josh, 5 voted for, 1 opposed.

AASFA Board Minutes, May 2016

May 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois – Remote 
Josh Parker – Remote
Eric Guy

Meeting Called to order at 7:43PM by Brian

Brian moves to approve last meeting minutes, Eric Guy seconds, 7 voting to approve

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Alex Drummer got paid based on Cool Stuff Grant. Anna has not dug into the accounts yet. Con owes Anna some money for the Penguicon party. Brain & Anna need to make plan to swap Amy for Anna on the accounts.

ConChair Report: Two GoHs in hand. Karen (Science) and Tammy (Fan), need to work on rest of GoHs. Julie Winningham will be running Programming & Social Media. Justin Landon backed out of Lit, Dave K. has been asked to fill in. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:   Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork.

PO Box: Eric has volunteered to be a day errand runner and will check the PO Box soon.

Picnic: July 8 and 23 are the two dates available at the park we used last time. Jon requested a hold at the park for the 23rd. Jon moves to schedule the picnic for the 23rd, given no other conflicts. Dave seconds. 7 votes for. Starting at noon. Jon will coordinate venue, food, and beverage on a budget of $500, Anna & Dave will handle notifications and voting.

AASFA Polices: Dave will send out the link to the policies for review and approval.

AASFA Purchase of final coffee maker to replace dead and old. Turned over to the Con and removed from AASFA business.

New Business:

Dave K. will be scheduling meetings moving forward.

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle.

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna promises it “lickety-split.”

Game library starting. Eric wants to donate. Game library is in a single tote that is currently stored in the cube. More totes may be necessary if more games are donated, current tote is full. Check out, check in list and possible inventory list of the library to be able to publish and attract interest.

Eric has a lot of computer stuff. Discussion of possible uses for computers, including possible computer lab or computer track. Might be room for educational thing in the TeenFusion track. Might be also useful for reg and Ops.

ConFusion website is up (and fixed). And yes, we’re making panelists pay. $20 for panelists.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:29PM by Brian seconded by Anna, 7 voted for.

AASFA Board Minutes, April 2016

April 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Josh Parker
Eric Guy

Former Board Member: Amy Zrnich

Meeting Called to order at 7:30PM by Brian

Election of new officers:

President – Brian Decker nominated by Anna Carey, seconded by David Klecha, voted 5 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining, 1 tardy

Vice President – Josh Parker nominated by David Klecha, seconded by Anna Carey, voted 5 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining, 1 tardy

Treasurer – Anna Carey nominated by Eric Guy, seconded by Brian Decker, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining, 1 tardy

Secretary – David Klecha nominated by Josh Parker, second by Eric Guy, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining, 1 tardy

Brian moves to approve last meeting minutes, Eric Guy seconds, 6 voting to approve

President’s Report:  New board, all is well, all else covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  The con made money! Con brought in slightly more than it spent, and spent slightly less than budgeted.

ConChair Report: Website in place and ready to go live at Penguicon. Some positions shifting around ready to gel. Parties at Penguicon! Please come and help. Party theme is My Little Pony after the con name of “Friendship is ConFusion!” Parties both nights. Hotel contract signed, dates are January 19-22, 2017. Science GoH has been chosen, Karen Burnham, aeronautical engineer.

Old Business:

Incorporation:    Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork.

PO Box: Key returned to Brian from Ryan after checking, John has the other PO Box key.

Storage Cube: John has one key, the other key is at the unit available to be used by anyone on the allowed list.

AASFA Polices: Harassment and Accessibility policies are on the AASFA website. Dave will update to include bullet regarding requesting list of banned individuals. Dave will e-mail the Board when the updates are made with links to the policies for the Board to review and vote on at the May meeting.

Website paid and Dave needs to be reimbursed for.

Alex Drummer’s cool stuff grant approved over e-mail.

New Business:    

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna promises it “lickety-split.”

AASFA Purchase of final coffee maker to replace dead and old. Tabled for next meeting.

Give UCon a game and reimburse John. Also talk about a game library of our own. Tabled for next meeting.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:18PM by Brian seconded by Josh, 7 voted for.

2016 Spring Voting Meeting

Who: YOU!

Date: March 12th, 2016 at 4:30pm-11:59pm

Location: Novi Shreaton, 21111 Haggerty Hwy, Novi, MI 48375

What: The AASFA Board Spring Voting Meeting and ConFusion Hand Off Party


We will be providing some munchies and beverages but please bring stuff to share. This event is open to EVERYONE, not just Con-Com.

The AASFA board will be calling for nominations for board members soon, remember if you have attended 2 AASFA events* in the last year, you CAN vote.


Two items will be up for a vote at the meeting: the name of the 2017 edition of ConFusion and electing AASFA Board members. To suggest names for the convention, or nominate potential Board members, please e-mail nominations@aasfa.org.


*AASFA events from the last year:

-2015 Summer Picnic

-2016 ConFusion

-2016 Spring Voting Meeting

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2016

February 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
David Klecha
Josh Parker (remote)
Cylithria Dubois (remote)
Amy Zrnich (remote)
John Davis, absent

Brian call to order @ 6:14pm

Approve meeting minutes, moved by Anna, seconded by Brian, vote to approve 6-0.

President’s report, nothing new. Covered in new or old business.

Treasurer report, wrapping up convention accounting. Otherwise finances are good.

ConChair’s report, we had a con, all is good. Hand off meeting on 3/12/16.

Old Business:

Incorporation report. Updates are pending, need more information from attorney. Will be addressed at next regular meeting.

PO Box, Ryan Carey retrieved the mail, mostly junk. No important items.

Discussion of Board promulgated accessibility and harassment policy. Accessibility and harassment policies have been copied to the AASFA website as are from the ConFusion policies. Both policies will be edited to cover all AASFA events, not just ConFusion. At the time that is complete, the Board will review and vote to accept them.

New Business: 

Website is auto-renewed for 2 years and no emergency with the site. Table any discussions regarding migration to a new host until the new Board takes over in April, 2016. Future discussions also regarding the role of Steve King and the Stilyagi side of the site. Dave will create a 2017 ConFusion site Soon(™). 

Alex Drummer’s Cool Stuff Grant request. Discussed the dollar amount to fund, as Penguicon’s Board seems to have funded $250 toward the project. Tabled for the time being pending confirmation that matching funds are being put up by Penguicon.

Voting Meeting scheduling. Usually pick three people to appoint to the next Board for continuity purposes. Brian will discuss the possibility of hosting in hotel function space for the handoff meeting/voting party. Anna volunteered to run for food/booze. Brian will propose appropriate verbiage over e-mail to approve location. Call for nominations and send save the date e-mail to be sent out ASAP. Lithie, Josh, and Dave are appointed to the next year’s Board. Moved by Anna, seconded by Brian, approved 6-0.

[Name Redacted]’s ban from ConFusion/AASFA events. Any action to be taken? At the bottom of the harassment policy on the AASFA website add verbiage that anyone can request a current list of individuals who are banned from the cons. List would contain only legal name, reason for ban (“Violation of Harassment Policy”) and duration of ban. List will only be sent out by the President when it is requested.

Brian moves to close the meeting @ 7:27pm, seconded by Dave. Approved 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, December 2015

December 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker (remote)


Brian call to order @ 11:40am


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 6-0, 1 abstaining.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, post office box has been paid.


ConChair’s report, will be covered in the ConCom meeting. Moving forward and ready to go.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. Tabled until the next meeting.


PO Box paid, check still needs to happen. John will check the mail this week, possible setup for a backup/mail deputy.


New Business:


Discussion of Board promulgated disability and harassment policy. Use the existing ConFusion policies as an AASFA-directed policy that covers all AASFA events and can be maintained year to year beyond the membership of the current Board and/or ConCom. Dave will copy relevant policies to the AASFA website for review in the February AASFA meeting.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 11:55am. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2015

November 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis (remote)

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker (remote)


Brian call to order @ 11:25am


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 5-0, 1 abstaining.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, Treasurer absent.


ConChair’s report, will be covered in the ConCom meeting. Moving forward and ready to go. In talks with Worldbuilders for charity. New ConCom folk in the last month.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. Tabled until the next meeting.


ConChair selection. No action in the nominations e-mail account. Dave nominates Anna Carey for ConChair. Josh seconds. 5 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining. Motion carries. Anna Carey is 2017 ConChair.


New Business:


PO Box check. When last done? 3-4 months ago. Anna will check by the end of the month. Payment due of $49 by the end of the month.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 11:42am. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, October 2015

October 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker

Amy Zrnich


Brian call to order @ 3:44pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 7-0.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, nothing new. Need to pay the lawyer.


ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Nothing additional to report.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. We are in good standing with the State of MI. Need to find an accountant to file back taxes. Incredibly difficult to get this done without adequate paper trail.


ConChair selection. No action in the nominations e-mail account. Postpone discussion until November meeting. Anna volunteers, but is willing to wait to see what response a reminder posting receives.


New Business:


No new business.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 3:57pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.