AASFA Board Minutes, June 2014

AASFA board 6/28/14
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Chloe Zrnich
Meeting Called to order at 6:31 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve June minutes by Brian, seconded by Dave
President’s Report: Nothing new – see new/old business
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Half of the paperwork for the attorney is done, working on the other half
Square vs Paypal – Tabled
Con needs a printer – Waiting for Detcon to wrap up and see what they have.
ConChair Report: Budget is ready.
Budget will be submitted for review and vote at next meeting
We had a party at Detcon and a fan table.  Talked to a lot of people.  John Piccaco might come
on his own as a panelist (not goh), took a couple registrations. Talked to a lot of people,
passed out a lot of flyers.
Next concom meeting is August 10th.
Anna put the master calendar into Google Calendar so everyone has the deadlines and meeting dates
Detcon lending:We need to get our Detcon lending stuff back once they get settled, Dave will reinventory it.
Coffee Makers:Tabled still
Cool stuff grants
for room parties: Dave will draft the statement we’re going to publicize to the group and we’ll review it.
Book Donations: Angie (Pendrican) Tabled
Stilyagi.org Amy and Dave are working on it, nothing to report yet.
2016 ConChair Angie will put out a call for nominations on Stilyagi and email Ryan and ask him to put it on social media.
Plan is to vote at the July meeting.
New Business:       NOne
Motion to close the meeting at 6:42 called by brian, seconded by chloe, all for.
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by BRian – unanimous Meeting closes at 3:03

Summer AASFA Picnic

Even though it seemed like it would never come, it’s that time of year again, SUMMER! And that means it is also time for the annual AASFA summer picnic.



WHERE: SouthEast Area Park, E. Ellsworth Rd. and Platt Rd. (NW corner) Ann Arbor, Mi 48108

  • This is not the same park as previous years, please take note.
  • Linked at the bottom is a map of the new park.
  • We have rented out the covered shelter for the event, please meet there.
  • Reason for change is that there are no longer restrooms at Veterans Memorial (without climbing the hill).

WHEN: SATURDAY, JUNE 28th. 12pm – ?, 2014

  • During the picnic there will be a ConCom Meeting and an AASFA Board Meeting (these are open to anyone)



  • Voting on Pro, Science, Fan, and Artist/Music/Gaming/Other GOH’s (4 total)
  • Please send nominations to nominations@aasfa.org (comments/direct replies will not be considered nominations)
  • When you send a nomination, please include some information about the person and what category they would fall into.


  • The AASFA Board will provide some food and beverages, but encourage people to bring something to share.
  • If you bring a dish to share, please bring serving utensils.


  • And your friends.
  • And anyone thats seems pretty cool and is into fandom
  • (or should be).
  • This is an all ages event, so bring along the kiddlets too!


Hope to see you there!!

Southeast Area Park Map

AASFA Board Minutes, May 2014

AASFA board 5/27/14
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Not in attendance: Chloe Zrnich
Meeting Called to order at 6:59 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve April minutes by Angie, seconded by Dave
All for
President’s Report: Nothing new
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – We have the bank paperwork, Amy and Brian need to sit down and put together a profit/loss for a number of years (seven, perhaps)
Square vs Paypal – Tabled
Con needs a printer – Tabled per Dave – waiting to see what comes out of Detcon1
ConChair Report: We have a con.
Dave is working on a budget
Have name, hotel, dates, gohs, most of our staff
Aaron needs a liaison, is there anyone he would specifically want?
Concom meeting on Sunday
Moving the cube: Metro Storage looks like the best choice still.
Brian: do the move when it’s optimal, maybe not picnic time.
Amy: Contract is up July 1st – need to move before then
Amy calls a motion to move our storage facility from Public Storage in Troy to Metro Storage in Taylor due to the fact that it’s closer to our hotel
now.  They’ll give us a truck to move in, and it’s climate controlled
Seconded by Dave
Approved unanimously
Detcon lending: Dave: no problem with it, as long as Lithie is involved, we could pull stuff when we move cubes.
Also make sure we don’t lend out anything we’ll need for the picnic
When we move cubes, we’ll put out the picnic stuff AND the stuff Detcon1 is borrowing.
Then put everything else in the new cube.
Dave will take on all responsibility for dealing with Detcon1 stuff.
Amy says: share the inventory with her so we know what we don’t need and she can do a GFS pre-order
(Looking at the 21st or the 22nd (Anna is not available on the 21st.))
Detcon1 is offering us some of their printers/etc that they buy and then will have no use for afterwards.
Dave calls a motion to lend our non-perishable, non-disposal fixtures/appliances/utensils to Detcon1 for their use during the con
and it will be returned. Seconded by John, passed unanimously.
Coffee Makers:Tabled because Chloe isn’t here.
Summer party: We haven’t heard back from Ann Arbor – need to finalize the contract. Anna will contact them again. She’ll call if she doesn’t hear
by the end of the week.
We need to open nominations for 2016 GoHs – Anna will put the email out about it, we will use the nominations@aasfa.org
Cool stuff grants
for room parties: An all-ages party through a cool stuff grant? Someone would have to propose an idea and follow through for it
Add it to the budget?
But we still need someone to run it, so if they’re interested enough to ask, they’d be interested enough to do it
We’d email out saying “Hey, we have a cool stuff grant – and here’s a great idea! We’re trying to improve the party scene.
Hey, if you have a good idea, we might actually pay for it!
Will we require them to call in or show up in person to propose it? Yes, it should be part of the process.
Proposal through email, then ask them to come talk about it in person
$?  We gave $200 for the Dalek
It needs to benefit the community.
Booze is still an issue – we do not want to be responsible for that.
Decorations? Room fee? Food, etc.
Book Donations: Angie (Pendrican) Tabled
Game to Ucon: John bought Legendary, will arrange delivery. Has turned in receipt.
New Business:
Stilyagi.org we need to transfer the domain name to our Network Solutions account
Dave needs the Network Solutions password
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by Anna – unanimous Meeting closes at 7:50

AASFA Board Minutes, April 2014

AASFA board 4/17/14
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Chloe Zrnich
2015 Confusion Conchair
Members in attendance:
Brian, John, Anna, Chloe, Angie, Amy
Member not in attendance
Dave Klecha
Meeting Called to order at 7:10 by Brian Decker
Voting on positions
President: Chloe nominates Brian
Anna seconds
Brian abstains, all vote yes
Vice President: Angie nominates Anna
Chloe seconds
Anna abstains, all vote yes
Treasurer: Chloe nominates amy, anna seconds
Amy abstains, all vote yes
Secretary: Chloe nominates angie
john seconds
angie abstains, all vote yes
Positions for 2014-2015 set
Motion to approve February minutes by Angie, seconded by Chloe
Brian against, all for, none abstain
President’s Report: all is in old business
Treasurer’s Report: we still have money, rest in old business
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – We have the bank paperwork, we need to talk to the attorney next to see what we need to do
Square vs Paypal – Tabled
Con needs a printer – tabled, Dave isn’t here.
ConChair Report: Dave isnt here.
Moving the cube: Amy: Simply Self Storage in lincoln park. 5×5  (indoor)
Brian: We’re in a 5x10ish – 5×5 would be too small
Amy: 5×10 for $50 month – but april would be $23 and May would be free. There are lots of specials.
Amy: 5×15 also available
Amy: Metro Storage – also a penske dealer, we can get the truck there, too. closer to the hotel than Simply
Brian: What are we paying right now?
Amy: Roughly $70/month
Amy: Metro Storage is climate controlled. When you move in you get a free moving truck, just mileage and gas.
Amy: Metro storage also does long-term discounts. It’s in Taylor – Southfield and Van Born
Amy: Metro Storage doesn’t have prices, but they have a 5×5 and 5×10 and 7.5×10
Amy: Move would be when we do the picnic (June).
Amy: the 7.5×10 might help with space, not sure we need a 10×10
Detcon lending: Tabled
Coffee Makers:Chloe:  Tabled to look up automatic coffee makers
Summer party – Anna: Changing location so we’d have a bathroom. June 28th is available. Anna will reserve it
Cool stuff grants for room parties – tabled for dave
What other sort of book donation stuff can we do?  Low income schools?
More promotion of the educational side of the community
pendrican school downriver?
Angie will try to find some contact info (Tabled)
New Business:
We owe ucon a game. They’d be happy with a copy of Legendary.
Vote to approve money for John to buy a copy and coordinate getting it to them:
Motion called by Angie – seconded by Chloe
Brian abstains, everyone else votes yes
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by Angie – unanimous Meeting closes at 7:33

Spring Voting Party

It’s that time again! It doesn’t feel like Spring, just yet, but we’re gearing up for the Spring Voting Party!

Attendees of the Spring Voting Party will be able to vote on the name for ConFusion 2015, and eligible attendees will be able to vote on new Board Members for 2014-15. Four spots will be open on the Board, and we are open for nominations. Please send your nominations, both for the name of the convention and any ideas for board members to nominations@aasfa.org

The party this year will be held at the Dearborn Doubletree Hotel on March 29, beginning at 5pm. Food and drinks will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you there!

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2014


AASFA board 2/26/14
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Chloe Zrnich
2015 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
Dave Klecha
Meeting Called to order at 6:40 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve December minutes Angie, seconded by Chloe
Approve: All in favor (save Brian)
President’s Report: Everything is in old business.
Treasurer’s Report: We still have money.  We had a con. We made money at the con.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Brian called the attorney.  Paperwork is being gathered for a meeting.
Square vs Paypal – Still investigating options.
AASFA – Money was transferred.
The con needs a printer – We used personal printers at con.  We need to actually buy printers.
Brian: We have bought a printer in the past but it is no longer in commission.
Anna: Last printer was cheap and not really made for the use we needed.
Dave: Decent laser printers are not insanely expensive.
Brian: But toner costs are high for something we’ll use once a year.
Amy: There are different kinds of ink that might stand up to storage better. Plus we are looking to change storage.
Dave: Climate controlled cube might help with that as well.  Solid toner?
Amy: Ops get a color printer, reg black and white?
Dave: We need to make sure we have spares on-hand so we don’t run out AT con.
Brian: Ongoing board expense, or con expense?
Dave: The con
Anna: The con already buys ink, so that can just stay that way.
John: If they just replace the spare, we’ll be fine.  Although a good printer will tell you how much you have left, so we’ll know if we need more at end of con.
Amy: Right, part of regular post-con inventory.
Dave will look into what printer(s) are a good choice for us.
Brian: Okay, what printers, how many, should they be the same to help with toner purchases?
Dave: should we see if DetCon wants to sell (donate) stuff they had to buy for their one-off con?
ConChair Report:We have a con!
We have most of a concom!
We need someone to run volunteers for 2015. We have all of Jessica’s paperwork
We should have an online repository for documents so that concom gets copies and we still retain it.
We need to decide on hotel, it hasn’t been finalized.  We should have a contract from Mimi soon to review.
Centerpoint contacted us, as well.
Should we set up a meeting? Dave will think about the function space.
New Business:
The Cube is super expensive
Uhaul trucks don’t work well at GFS, they are too low.
Penske has better trucks for our use, so we should change trucking companies.
$600 for six months of storage? Seems high.
Having the cube close to Con is helpful for last minute grabbing
Also, weather is horrible. This year it took six hours to do all the gathering/delivering because of distance.
Climate controlled A++
We aren’t likely to switch hotels
Cube is paid until the end of July
Move the cube after the picnic.
Actually, we could move the cube with personal vehicles
July is a good time to make any further moving decisions, too.
Amy will look into prices
We renewed our domains for two years. – Yes.
Coffee makers
Amy suggests we buy two or three 100 cup pots.
We need to make some upgrades
We don’t know how much they cost yet.
Chloe says around $100-120.
Lithie likes the idea.
Seems like a good investment.
Maybe go even a little higher end for durability
We will look into prices and ideas – well, Chloe will.
We need to spend money
See printers and taxes and coffee makers.
Voting Meeting
3/29/2014 – Hopefully at the hotel, Brian will find out.
4:00 concom meeting, then party
Angie will write an email asking for candidates nominations@aasfa.org (after Dave makes it) (and brian gets us a location)
Board members
Name of con
Social media blast as well – and websites
Food and budget: We ordered wraps from the hotel – brian proposes $500 budget, amy seconds, all approved. Hotel will do the same thing
we did for Dave’s concom meeting.  Amy will buy booze and veggies and snacks
Who is safe?  John is safe because it’s his first election. Anna is safe. Amy is also safe.
Nomiations are dave, angie, chloe, brian
Summer party – June 28th – July 26th if we have to.
Anna will arrange for the park.
Cool stuff grants for room parties?
Let’s the broader community contribute to the con without working ON the con.
Sponsor an all ages party? Work with Teen Fusion?
What other sort of book donation stuff can we do?  Low income schools?
More promotion of the educational side of the community
pendrican school downriver?
Angie will try to find some contact info
Motion to close meeting called by Amy, seconded by  Meeting closes at 7:51 passed – Chloe and Brian opposed

AASFA Board Minutes, December 2013

AASFA board 12/15/13
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Chloe Zrnich
 Ryan Carry 2014 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
David Klecha
Meeting Called to order at 11:53 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve October minutes Amy, seconded by Amy
Approve: 6
President’s Report: Nothing new
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian Decker
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account today.
The con needs a printer Amy will look into still
ConChair Report:
We still are having a con YAY!
New Business:
Dragon’s Den: 6pm Friday night.  (Anna)
Amy says $500. Anna motions to approve
Amy seconds
5 for
1 apposed (Chloe)
Motion passes
Next board meeting will be at the con at Dragon’s den
Storage shed – Amy says we have to make a decision.  It expires at the end of January.
We will discuss in email so we can be prepared at Con – if we’re going to move we can pack
everything up and bring it to the con and take it to the new place
Brian wants to reach out to the balloon guy about him coming to con again.
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by Chloe Meeting closes at 11:58
passed – 5

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2013

AASFA board 11/26/13
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
David Klecha
Chloe Zrnich
 Ryan Carry 2014 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
John Davis
Angie Rush
Meeting Called to order at 19:07 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve October minutes by Brian Decker, seconded by Chloe Zrnich
Approve 5
Deny 0
Abstain 0
President’s Report: Documents from the filing cabinet is still in the process of being scanned…. Hardware issues encountered
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account.
ConChair Report: 
We still are having a con YAY!
There will be two meeting December 15th, noonish
Asst ops resigned due to work things.
The con needs a printer Amy will look into
New Business:  
All tabled until next meeting
Next meeting to be scheduled 11am Dec15th.
Motion to close meeting called by David Klecha, seconded by Chloe Zrnich Meeting closes at 19:24


AASFA Board Minutes, October 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 10/17/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
John Davis
Amy Zrnich
Dave Klecha (via Skype)
Meeting called to order at: 6:43 by Brian.
Prior Meeting Minutes: Brian called to approve minutes, angie seconded. all for except anna abstained. Passed.
President’s Report: Documents from the filing cabinet is still in the process of being scanned.
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.  Michigan legal checks were sent out in time.
Old Business:
aasfa.org is now a functioning website.
Passwords are now documented and Brian has access to them.
Budget had been approved so Ryan has money as conchair.
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account.
ConChair Report:
Angie Fox is now heading up our dealer’s room again
Liasions are being set up for GoHs except for S2 Games – still deciding on who they are sending, specifically.
Consuite is Lithie
Jess is moving on getting volunteers set up.
Things are moving right along
Meetings from here out are all-hands and weekly checks with dept heads will be done
2015 ConChair
Did any nominations come into aasfa.nominations@gmail.com?
We got no nominations.
Dave will be moving to this side of the state, he’s got a job over here.
Angie called to vote Dave Klecha 2015 conchair.  Seconded by Anna
All in favor, Dave abstained
New Business:
Anna: The con needs a printer.
When Anna was running ops she brought her own, and people have been willing to bring their personal printers.
Toner might be an issue in the storage cube
Amy asks – does it need to be color or is black and white good enough?
Brian: we had a color laser of Brian’s we used to use but the toner was very expensive.
We have had printers where ink did dry out over time.
Brian doesn’t think we NEED a scanner or color, but it’d be nice.
If a laserjet is going to dry out over the year, buying new color & b&W toner every year will be expensive.
Anna and Dave: We have promised to print for the art this year, so we need color
Brian has a Phaser printer but getting new ink for it every year is going to be somewhere around $400 and has to be specialty ordered
Amy has something at work that has the solid ink but not sure how it would hold up in the summer heat.
Anna: Could we pull the toner out and store it in someone’s home instead of the storage unit? Then it wouldn’t be subject to the heat extremes
Amy: aasfa keeps it’s files at Brian’s, we could store the toner/ink in the file cabinet with our files
Amy also suggests we look into renting a good printer for the weekend and see what that costs
John has a black and white printer he would be willing to donate.
Amy will look into pricing.
Does the AV company Nuri is working with rent printers?
Does the hotel have a printer we can use? – Brian will look into this
Discussion about whether or not Ops absolutely NEEDS a printer.
Dave: suggests to table that discussion once we have pricing information for various options.
Printers/projectors have consumables and can’t be scared up at a moment’s notice – if a reg laptop dies, someone’s likely to have a laptop
projectors are neccesary – especially with science programming.
Next meeting to be scheduled
Meeting called to close at 736  by brian seconded by angie, passed unanimously.

Legendary ConFusion: Coming January 2014!

AASFA is proud to present Legendary ConFusion, the fortieth installment of Detroit’s longest-running fan-run science fiction convention.

Guest of Honor: Mike Carey, comic book writer and fantasy author

Artist Guest of Honor: Rich Morris, webcomic artist and professional animator

Science Guest of Honor: Ian Tregillis, physicist and science fiction author

Gaming Guest of Honor: S2 Games, Kalamazoo-based developer of Battle of Newerth

Fan Guest of Honor: Mark Bernstein, singer, musician, and longtime convention organizer

ConChair: Ryan Carey